
This Startup Tracks America’s Murder Houses

DiedInHouse wants to help you avoid sharing a bedroom with a poltergeist.

A scene from the film "The Amittyville Horror."

Photograph: American International/courtesy Everett Collection

Roy Condrey's journey to becoming an expert on murder houses began with a dying air conditioner.

After he replaced a faulty AC unit at a rental property he owns in Irmo, S.C., the tenant told him she thought the house was haunted. On a whim, he searched the Internet for a website that would reveal if there had been a death in the house. “I was looking for a Carfax for homes,” he said, referring to the service that supplies vehicle history reports to used-car buyers. “Instead, I found pages and pages of Google search results asking the question ‘How do I find out if my house is haunted?’ ”