This Tool Maps Transit, Block by Block, for 300 Cities

Buying a home? Locating a new business? AllTransit's data are voluminous and granular.

Here the tool maps Washington, DC, and its suburbs and shows how the cost of commuting changes from place to place. The average for people living within a half-mile of public transit is 10.1 percent of income.

Source: AllTransit database; Center for Neighborhood Technology
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Surprise, Arizona, northwest of Phoenix, scores lowest among U.S. cities larger than 100,000 people in a ranking of transit systems, according to a new online tool launching Tuesday. The city of 124,000 pulled a 0.09 out of 10. If you don’t have a car, you’re walking.

More than 800 municipal transit agencies in 287 cities across the U.S. contributed data to the project, called AllTransit. It shows, in neighborhood-level detail, where people live and work and how well public transit shuttles them back and forth. The agency data are combined with data from the Census Bureau, the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program, and the Department of Agriculture.