
This Technology Makes Riding a Bike Indoors a Lot Less Awful

Zwift is the closest you can get to riding outside if you get stuck inside.

Cyclists can ride through virtual Alps.

Source: Zwift

For decades, cyclists hoping to stay fit through the winter have been presented with the same choice: bundle up and brave the elements or resign themselves to hours of frustration on an indoor training device. Basically, a cyclist can suffer from frostbite or boredom.

No longer. We live in a marvelous age of technical innovation, where a robot will make tortillas for you or tell you dumb jokes. Cycling, too, has been disrupted by technology: There’s a new generation of "smart" bike trainers and software that merge gaming displays with resistance and rider input. To put it simply, if you want to simulate riding up Mt. Ventoux from your living room, you can.