Justin Fox, Columnist

The Past, Present and Future of U.S. Immigration

How do current levels compare to those of a century ago? And why does it matter?

Poetry isn't policy.

Photographer: Spencer Platt/Getty Images
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White House policy adviser Stephen Miller's prickly performance at a news conference last week to discuss new immigration legislation didn't get the greatest reviews. But I actually kind of enjoyed his response to CNN correspondent Jim Acosta's charge (the quotes that follow are from CNN's transcript of the briefing) that "what you're proposing here, what the president's proposing here does not sound like it's in keeping with American tradition when it comes to immigration."

Acosta said cutting immigration quotas and favoring skilled immigrants and those who already speak English went against the Statue of Liberty motto of "give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free." Miller retorted: