The New Antarctic Iceberg Is Big Enough for Runways, Water Mines, and Crazy Dance Parties

If it floats to the high seas, it enters a legal no-man's land where anyone can use it any way they want. Kind of scary.
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The tabular iceberg that just broke away from the Antarctic Peninsula is said to be as big as the state of Delaware. One difference is that the state of Delaware, in addition to being warmer and closer to Philadelphia, has a population of 900,000, while the iceberg has a population of zero ... so far, that is.

Are you thinking what I'm thinking? This brand-new, empty, pristine, flat-topped iceberg is ripe for commercial exploitation. You could put a string of hotels on it like the ice hotels in Sweden and Canada. You could organize an extremely dangerous ice-climbing expedition up one of its edges. You could mine it for ancient "fossil water" that could be sold straight or used to make premium vodka, as Newfoundlanders are already doing up north. You could try to tow it (or part of it) to the Middle East, as one Abu Dhabi-based company is already seeking to do with smaller Antarctic icebergs.